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미국 하버드 다나파버 암연구소 연수(2024.9~2025.2)

- 대전대학교 한의과대학 및 동 대학원 졸업
- 한의학 박사 / 한방내과 전문의
- 대전대학교 한의과대학 교수
- 대전대학교 서울한방병원 초대병원장 역임(2019~2022)
- 대전대학교 서울한방병원 동서암센터·통합면역센터 센터장
- 대전대학교 한의예과 학과장
- 대전대학교 대전한방병원 임상시험윤리위원회 위원장 역임
- 중국 중의연구원 부속 광안문병원 종양과 연수
- 중국 상해 중의과대학 부속 용화병원 종양과 연수
- 미국국립암연구소(NCI) 최상증례프로그램(BCSP) 국내 최초로 완료
- 미국 엠디앤더슨암센터 통합의학센터 방문교수(2012)
- 대한암한의학회 회장
- (사)대한통합암학회 회장
- 세계중의약 종양연맹 부회장
- 미국 통합암학회(SIO) 보드멤버
- 국제 통합암학회지(ICT) 편집위원
- 여성암 클리닉 : 유방암, 자궁경부암, 난소암
- 간담도암 클리닉 : 간암, 담도암, 담낭암
- 비뇨기암 클리닉 : 전립선암, 방광암, 신장암
- 소화기암 클리닉 : 위암, 식도암, 췌장암, 대장암
- 호흡기암 클리닉 : 폐암, 인후두암
- 두경부암 클리닉 : 뇌종양, 구강암, 비강암
- 혈액암 클리닉 : 급만성 백혈병, 림프종, 골수이형성증
- 항암 부작용 완화 클리닉 : 항암치료 부작용 관리, 암 관련 증상 케어, 면역 관리, 통증 관리
- Integrative cancer treatment may have a survival benefit in patients with lung cancer_Retrospective cohort study (Medicine, 2019)
- Benefit of Adjuvant Traditional Herbal Medicine With Chemotherapy for Resectable Gastric Cancer. (INTEGRATIVE CANCER THERAPIES, 2018)
- Preventive Effect and Safety of a Follicle Stimulating Hormone Inhibitory Formulation Containing a Mixture of Coicis Semen and Artemisia capillaris for Precocious Puberty: A Preliminary Experimental Study Using Female Rats. (Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine : eCAM, 2017)
- Patient With Unresectable Cholangiocarcinoma Treated With Radiofrequency Hyperthermia in Combination With Chemotherapy: A Case Report. (INTEGRATIVE CANCER THERAPIES, 2017)
- Correlation Between Natural Killer Cell Activity and Systemic Inflammatory Markers for Heterogeneous Cancer Patients Treated With Wheel Balance Cancer Therapy. (INTEGRATIVE CANCER THERAPIES, 2017)
- Modified Panax ginseng extract regulates autophagy by AMPK signaling in A549 human lung cancer cells. (ONCOLOGY REPORTS, 2017)
- Traditional Oriental Herbal Medicine and Natural Killer Cells for Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH, 2017)
- Survival Analysis of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated by Using Wheel Balance Cancer Therapy. (INTEGRATIVE CANCER THERAPIES, 2016)
- Anti-Fatigue Effects of Enzyme-Modified Ginseng Extract: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. (JOURNAL OF ALTERNATIVE AND COMPLEMENTARY MEDICINE, 2016)
- Cordycepin promotes apoptosis by modulating the ERK-JNK signaling pathway via DUSP5 in renal cancer cells. (American Journal Cancer Resert, 2016)
- Assessment of the anti-metastatic properties of sanguiin H-6 in HUVECs and MDA-MB-231 human Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters breast cancer cells. (Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016)
- Modified Panax ginseng Extract Inhibits uPAR-Mediated α[Formula: see text]β1-Integrin Signaling by Modulating Caveolin-1 to Induce Early Apoptosis in Lung Cancer Cells. (AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE, 2016)
- A Feasibility Study of Moxibustion for Treating Anorexia and Improving Quality of Life in Patients With Metastatic Cancer: A Randomized Sham-Controlled Trial. (INTEGRATIVE CANCER THERAPIES, 2016)
- Traditional Oriental Herbal Medicine and Natural Killer Cells for Cancer Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (PHYTOTHERAPY RESEARCH, 2016)
- Allergen-Removed Rhus verniciflua Extract Induces Ovarian Cancer Cell Death via JNK Activation. (AMERICAN JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE, 2016)
- Acupuncture for Aromatase Inhibitor-Induced Arthralgia:A Systematic Review. (INTEGRATIVE CANCER THERAPIES, 2016)
- Anti-angiogenic Function of a Korean Ginseng and Toad Venom Complex, Doksamsumsu-dan(DSSSD) Analyzed by a Forwarded Phase Antibody Microarray. (BioChip Journal, 2015)
- 한국형 통합암치료(2018)
- 실용 한의종양학(2018)
- 통합종양학(2017)
- 종합암증치료(2015)
- 항암컬러푸드 색깔의 반란(2014)
- 미국으로 간 허준(2013)
- 한의 통합종양학(2013) 외 다수